Flylady Baby Steps Day 3 - Cleaning Motivation

Flylady Baby Steps Day 3 – Cleaning Motivation

Welcome to Flylady Baby Steps Day 3 for getting your home and life in order.

Today we don’t have to learn a new baby step! Instead, we need to continue practicing the first 2 habits that we’re building: getting dressed to shoes and to keep our sink shiny.

Flylady Baby Step – Dress to Shoes

Habit #1 is to dress to shoes right when our feet hit the floor, but I already changed something about that step. Oops!

I quit getting dressed to shoes. Instead of getting dressed to shoes, I’m going to get dressed to socks.

Yesterday, I tried wearing clean shoes inside the house. I did feel taller and a little more energized to get the day going.

Adorable Puppy

But I have a puppy that I had to take outside for potty breaks throughout the day. So I was regularly taking the indoor shoes off to put the outdoor shoes on, and I quickly got annoyed.

At one point, I just gave up, and I stopped wearing the indoor shoes inside the house.

flylady baby steps day 3 dress to shoes

Flylady Baby Step: Shine your Sink

Habit #2 is to keep a clean and shiny sink. I’m still unsure if Flylady wants us to shine the sink every time we wash the dishes. Or, give the sink one good wipe before bed.

Dirty Dishes

I set myself a routine that after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I will make sure to wash the dishes and give the sink a quick shine(rinse) before I go to bed.

Clean Dishes in the Dishwasher

Which reminds me, if you use a dishwasher, get this dishwasher magnet. Now I don’t have to guess if the dishes are clean or dirty.

My kids love eating snacks between meals, so I wait until the next meal to wash the dishes in the sink.

So far, this keeps me on track to having a clean and shiny sink before I go to bed without washing a lot of dishes during my nighttime cleaning routine.

Flylady baby steps day 3, shine your sink

Start Exploring

Now Flylady wants us to start exploring her website. She has amazing information on her website. But make sure to set your timer, or else you might get carried away, and sooner than later, it’ll be time to go to bed.

You can also visit her launchpad page and her daily flight plan.

If you want to take an extra step, download the Flylady app. It’ll give you extra motivation to get your baby steps into habits.

If you quickly get overwhelmed, then don’t read too much on Flylady’s website. There’s a lot of good information there. Focus on the baby steps first!

Flylady Baby Steps Day 3

  • Dress to Shoes (I get dressed to socks) (Day 2)
  • Shine Your Sink (Day 1)
  • Read Flylady’s Website/App

Flylady’s Books:

Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a good day!

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