Flylady Baby Steps Day 1 - Shine Your Sink

Flylady Baby Steps Day 1 – Shine Your Sink

Welcome to FlyLady Baby Steps Day 1 to getting my home and life in order.

Flylady cleaning system is not a cleaning system; instead, it’s learning to FLY, which stands for Finally. Loving. Yourself. I’m a perfectionist, and I need to stop before I burn out…which happens a lot.

So, I’m a little fly baby taking baby steps. This video will show you Flylady baby steps day 1, which is to clean and shine your sink.

Step #1: Empty Sink

Step #1 is to have an empty sink. At this point, Flylady doesn’t want us to clean all the dishes. If you have dishes in the sink, then take them out.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 1 Sink full of dirty dishes

I personally did take it a step further. I put all the dishes in the dishwasher and washed the rest of the dishes by hand. Before I had my baby I made it a habit of cleaning the dishes right after we ate breakfast.

Loaded Dishwasher

Now that I have a little one that needs to nurse, changed multiple times, and take 4ish naps a day. I took the opportunity to wash all of the dishes and put them on a dish rack while my little one napped.

Every minute counts in this household. So I didn’t want to get all the dishes out of my sink just to scrub the sink clean.

Clean/Dirty magnet on the dishwasher

I love my dirty/clean magnet for my dishwasher. At first, my boys thought it’ll be fun to play with the magnet. Now they don’t touch it unless it’s their turn unloading the dishwasher. In our family, whoever unloads the dishwasher switches the magnet from clean to dirty.

Clean dishes drying on the dish rack

Step #2: Rinse the Sink

Step #2 is the start of shining your sink. Flylady does it differently than me. You can shine the sink the way Flylady recommends on her blog or pick your favorite way to get the sink nice and clean.

In this blog/video I’ll show you how I like to clean my sink. First, you’ll need to remove the food from your sink and rinse the sink with hot water.

Rinsing the dirty sink

Step #3: Spray the Sink

Step #3 is to spray your sink with vinegar/water solution, which is 50% Vinegar, 50% water. I love that my spray bottle has the exact ratio. On the bottle, it’s written 1:1. So I’ll fill vinegar to that line then fill the rest of the bottle with water.

Spray vinegar on the sink

Step #4: Baking Soda

Step #4 is to get your baking soda out and sprinkle the baking soda all over the sink. Baking soda is a great scrubbing cleanser.

Sprinkle baking soda on the sink

Step #5: Scrub the Sink

Step #5 is getting a wet sponge or a soft brush to clean the sink. The bottom of the sink will have the most baking soda. So, I make sure to use that baking soda while I clean the top part of the sink.

Brush to scrub the sink

Then I grab a small brush or an old toothbrush to get all of the corners cleaned. I also make sure to take my time scrubbing around the food waste disposer.

Scrub the sink with a sponge

Step #6: Rinse the Sink

Step #6 is to turn on the water and rinse the sink with hot water. You can use a sponge to make sure to wash off all of the baking soda. You don’t want any baking soda left in the sink.

Rinse the baking soda with hot water

Step #7: Shine the Sink

Step #7 is to spray the faucet and the sink with your favorite all-purpose cleaner or with vinegar/water solution.

Spray sink with your favorite cleaner

I love to use the water/vinegar solution because we have hard water, and the vinegar helps get rid of the hard water spots.

You can find my favorite cleaning products(Mrs.Meyers, Method, Seventh Generation..etc) from Grove.

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Then take a clean, dry microfiber cloth to wipe the sink and faucet dry. You’re welcome to use more than one dry microfiber cloth to make sure the sink/faucet is extra dry shiny.

Use a dry microfiber cloth to dry the sink

Now step back and enjoy your clean and shiny sink.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 1:  Shine your sink

Flylady Baby Steps Day 1 Summary

That’s it for Flylady Baby Steps Day 1. This is the first day to getting our lives back in order. We don’t have to scrub the sink every day; this is just a starting point on learning how to fly.

Now you know the first habit that we’re building with Flylady Baby Steps. We need to keep the sink shining by washing the dishes right after we use them, especially before we go to bed.

Then give the sink a quick wipe with a microfiber cloth/towel to keep the sink shiny. You’ll love waking up in the morning to a shiny dishless sink.

Flylady Baby Step Day 2

Get Dressed to Shoes

Flylady’s Books:

Thank you so much for stopping by and have a good day!

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