Flylady Baby Steps Day 6  Hot Spot Clean

Flylady Baby Steps Day 6 – 2-Minute Hot Spot Clean

Flylady Baby Steps Day 6 

Welcome to Flylady Baby Steps Day 6 for getting your home and life in order.

Today we’re going to start a new baby step which is to work on our hot spots. 

What’s a Hot Spot? 

Hot Spots are surfaces in our home that slowly start to collect clutter.

I have many hot spots in my house. The kitchen counter is one of the sizzling hot spots. First, we put our keys on the counter, and then out of nowhere, the counter gets cluttered with other random things like mail, books, and even toys.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 6 Hot Spot
Cluttered Kitchen Counter

Another hot spot in my house is my desk. I usually like to set my laptop, charger, planner, and books on my desk. Then my kids see my stuff on the table, so they think it’s ok to put their favorite toys there too. By the end of the day, I can’t see the surface of the desk.

2-Minute Hot Spot Clean

Today, we need to set a timer for 2 minutes to put things back where they belong from the hot spots. Pick a hot spot that you want to tackle, then set a timer for 2-minutes. When the timer goes off, you’re done with the hot spot clean-up.

The timer helps you to stay on task without making you feel overwhelmed by getting everything done. You can repeat the 2- minute hot spot clean-up throughout the day.

Do this every day, and your hot spots won’t stay so hot.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 6 Clean Hot Spot
Clean Counter Top

Flylady Baby Steps Day 5 Summary

  • Shine Your Sink (Day 1)
  • Dress to Shoes (I get dressed to socks) (Day 2)
  • Read Flylady’s Website/App (Day 3)
  • Post-It Notes Tip (Day 4)
  • Make Time for Yourself (Day 5)

Flylady’s Books:

Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a good day!

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