flylady baby steps day 4 post-it notes

Flylady Baby Steps Day 4 – Post-it Notes

Welcome to Flylady Baby Steps Day 4 for getting your home and life in order.

Review of the Flylady Baby Steps

Today in the morning, we had to get dressed to shoes right when we got out of bed. I personally didn’t get dressed to shoes. I got dressed to socks.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 4 Outfit for the day

As you can see by the video, I did complete the habit of getting dressed and ready for the day. I even managed to put my hair up. Usually, I have my hair in a low ponytail, but I took an extra effort in getting ready by putting my hair in a cute bun.

Shine your Sink

The other habit that we’re working on is to make sure that the sink is dishless and shiny. Tonight, I had one cup left in the sink, and I made sure to put it back into the dishwasher before going to bed. Now my tomorrow self will be happy to wake up to a clean dishless sink.

flylady baby steps day 4 clean sink

Flylady’s Website/App

Another thing that Flylady wants us to do is to read Flylady’s message on her website. Flylady has so much information on her website that it’s going to take you a couple of days a couple of weeks/months to read through.

It took me a while to navigate through her website, and I’m still not done.

Setting a Timer

Another tip that I recently learned is setting a timer, so you don’t get carried away.

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and enjoy your reading without feeling guilty. Read all of the information that you want in the 10-15 minute time frame.

Then, when the timer is up. Put away your phone/computer and start doing something off your to-do list.

The timer helps to keep you on track. It even works when you want to mindlessly scroll through social media. Set your timer, and have fun catching up. Then when the timer goes off. Turn off the phone and do something a little more productive.

Flylady Baby Steps Day 4

Today we’re going to learn another helpful tip. Flylady recommends us to write the habits that we’re building on post-it notes.

So, grab a marker and write down “clean sink” or “shine your sink” on the post-it note. Then go and stick the post-it note where you can see it, right by the sink.

post it note to remind yourself to wash the dishes and keep the sink clean

This way, when you see the note by the sink. You automatically remind yourself of the habit you’re building, which reminds you to wash the dishes in the sink and rinse/shine your sink before you go to bed.

Another Post-It Note

Another note that you should write down is to “get ready.” Then stick the post-it note where you get ready for the day.

Get Ready post-it note

I like to get ready in the master bathroom. So, I’ll write down the habit on the post-it note and stick it on the bathroom mirror. This way, it’ll remind me to get dressed in the morning.

Sticking a get ready post-it note on the bathroom mirror

Or else I might stay in my comfy pajamas all day. Feeling tired, exhausted, and with zero motivation to get anything done.

Don’t forget, getting dressed and ready for the day gives you the extra confidence and extra boost to start your day on the right side of the bed.

Get ready for the day

Flylady Baby Steps Day 4

  • Dress to Shoes (I get dressed to socks) (Day 2)
  • Shine Your Sink (Day 1)
  • Read Flylady’s Website/App (Day 3)
  • Post-It Notes Tip

Flylady’s Books:

Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a good day!

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